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The highlights of the Eggen Valley

From the Karer Lake to the Rosengarten

A valley with 1001 tales to tell
The Eggen Valley reveals itself all in green with its high walls, and behind them a glimpse of the pale Dolomite rock of the Rosengarten and Latemar massifs. The Dolomites Road - the main Eggen Valley road – twists and turns through the historic valley along the course of the stream that runs through it, popular with fly fishermen and others besides. The Ladin word for water, “ega”, gave the valley its very apt name: water is all around, surging, flowing, bubbling, resting.

Water – nature’s reservoir
Fed by underground springs, the Latemar massif cradles the Karer Lake. According to legend, jewels lie at the bottom of this wondrous glittering lake (300 metres long and 130 metres wide), cast there as a consequence of a love spurned, now the origin of its shimmering colours. Deep green, turquoise, even a hint of yellow, all allow it to capture the light of the sky.
This is the starting point of a gentle circular route for all the family. From the Karer Lake the path heads to the Moseralm and the Karer Pass, then back to the lake, taking around two and a half hours. In winter it is possible to walk on the lake’s frozen surface.

Standing on the lake’s mirror surface surrounded by the Dolomites.
Light – the filaments of the world
The light is refracted in the mosaic of nature. Radiant and vermilion, the mountains glow all around in the morning and evening light - the Latemar range to the south and the Rosengarten to the northeast, the home of the Dolomite legends and the realm of King Laurin.
With its numerous stages and access points, the Südtiroler Perlenweg in the Eggen Valley also runs past Welschnofen. A particularly demanding variant is path no. 5. Taking path no. 9 from Obereggen, you head south up to the Reiter Pass then west, up to the peak of Zanggen. Continue through dense forests to the Lavazè Pass (there are many refreshment options en route) on path no. 1 until you return to Deutschnofen.

Spend a day walking with the sun

Planets and stars – the heavenly messengers
Learn about the connection between heaven and earth in the star village of Gummer, the home of the Max Valier Observatory, the Solar Observatory and the Way of the Planets. Irrespective of the weather, the Cosmos Simulator shows the sky and the movement of the stars in the Planetarium where visitors can enjoy truly cosmic events – also an ideal programme for a rainy day.
Magic also floods through the Dolomites, particularly by the light of a full moon. Every Friday in Karneid from April to November during the week of the full moon, food and music can be savoured in the pale moonlight.

Humans, moon rocks and the planet – come and commune with the forces of the universe.
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